You should know how to build a Design System — that’s scaling 101

Dimitar Ivanovski
4 min readJan 21, 2022

If you are looking to speed up your design-development workflow and to scale your work much better and faster you need a design system. Nowadays, there is a lot of confusion about what is one so in this article, we will try to explain it as simply as possible.

Design System is a complete set of:

  • Design language
  • Component library
  • UI kit
  • Frontend framework
  • Documentation site

That’s it 🎯

Anatomy of a design system
Anatomy of a design system — Missing one leads to failure

Design language

Design language is a communication tool that helps designers create visually harmonious and coherent designs and give their products a unique but consistent look and feel. — Source

But it is more than that. Design language answers the most important question: Why we are building something in a certain way?

Many times fellow designers and stakeholders will ask the question why we don’t have smaller buttons, why we use shadow on a certain element, etc. The answers should come from the design language. And the rules in the design language should be based on user research.

Lightning Design Language by Salesforce — Clearly defines four principles for building Salesforce product

The most popular and used design languages are:

Component library

A component library is a production-ready, customizable, and reusable components, like buttons and tables, that is widely used by UX and UI designers for faster design, iteration, development, and growth.

MUI Library is a Figma Components Library based on Material Design Language.
Free Figma Components Library based on Material Design Language for React and MUI.

Components libraries are usually built in the following graphics editors:

Read more about how to build a Figma component library here.

UI kit

UI kits are a collection of ready-made files and templates based on design language guidelines and built with a designated component library for a specific UI/UX project.

Figma UI kit for Apple widgets for iOS, iPadOS and macOS

Similar to the components libraries, they can also be built in the following graphics editors:

Front-end framework

When developing a software product besides creating a well-designed UI and ensuring a convenient UX, it is also important to build a stable and secure application that will allow to scale easily. This is where having the right front-end technology stack comes in handy. In a nutshell, front-end frameworks are platforms for coding the components and UI design. The front-end developer will turn components, templates, and designs created by a designer into a functional user interface and a functional end product. Front-end web developers use front-end frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap, etc., to turn design into code.

Documentation site

In order for people and teams to adopt and use the design language, components library, UI kit, and front-end framework, a documentation site is highly recommended. The goal is to create living styleguides and document of all the design system resources in one place. The documentation site will take the team collaboration to the next level and allow different stakeholders to play with styles, components, learn how they work, and read about the best UI/UX practices.

Popular documentation platforms for design systems are:

Final words: Mix and match

Life is too short and there is no right or wrong combination for creating the perfect design system. In addition, a perfect design system does not exist. Depending on the size and scope of the project, chose your own journey for creating your own design system. But always include the necessary elements that will get you closer to having your own personalised design system.

Five elements of design systems
Five elements of design systems



Dimitar Ivanovski

UX/UI designer. Diversified expertise in HCI, product design, end-customer, client & stakeholders relations, interaction design, prototyping, and testing.